i may regret making this arbitrary commitment to myself to publish a post every thursday and sunday, but i’m not ready to give up on that cadence quite yet. i never set a word count goal though (thank god), so i’ll just make this a lil one and honestly i can always delete it tomorrow morning if i hate it because there are no rules and approximately three ppl will read this anyway!!!!!! cool
for pretty much the entire month of july, i was self-isolating because i had a cough. two negative covid tests and a visit to the doctor later, i’ve concluded it’s either the lingering effect of a viral thing or allergies. regardless, i didn’t want to get anyone sick or freak them out with my ~droplets~, so i stayed home. my doctor gave me meds to suppress/manage the cough last week, and they’ve kind of helped. i still LITERALLY pulled a muscle coughing this week, so it hasn’t completely gone away. but we’re getting there.
once i started feeling better, i was actually excited to socialize again, which is honestly pretty strange for me. a lot of the time i have to remind myself that being around other people is good for humans, like, scientifically speaking. i want a giant print of the second image in this IG post from @theofficialsadghostclub because it is essentially an illustration of my soul:
the socializing over this past week was particularly exciting because i unexpectedly got to see two of my friends from college whom i hadn’t seen in forever and whom i miss a lot. when people ask me what i miss about nyc, the answer is always that i miss my friends and not much else. the fact that two of them ended up passing through town this week was a very welcome gift from the universe.
i’m just feeling really, really grateful for the wonderful people in my life, especially those who have somehow tolerated my bullshit for 10+ years. i’ve barely done that lol. thx frens <3